PODCAST- Kira Leskew-Meditation & Energy Healing

Check out our podcast, “Meditation and energy healing practices for business and personal health,” where Kira Leskew, Founder and CEO of The Eagle Institute Ltd., discusses meditation and self-healing skills for business leaders and entrepreneurs.

An Hour Talk with Dr. Nagula

Diva Nagula: As a physician, we’re exposed to a multitude of disciplines and one of those disciplines is the hematology and oncology realm. In my practice, I went into the field of interventional pain management, so I did a specialty in physical medicine rehabilitation and then I did a sub-specialty, which was a fellowship in the …

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LifeThrive’s free behavior assessment was designed to help you identify surface level behavioral and mindset tendencies. This information can be the basis of increasing your Emotional Intelligence (EI). Look for the 5 Key aspects of EI as you read your results: You must be Self-Aware and understand yourself in the context of what others see (how …


The 4 People Who Need to Read “From Doctor to Patient” Right Now

Take the Leap Today! In Dr. Diva Nagula’s new book, “From Doctor to Patient,” Dr. Nagula shares his life story including intimate details about his childhood, career, and of course, his cancer journey. Although most readers would be captivated by Dr. Nagula’s compelling book, four groups of people may be especially interested: current or previous …

The 4 People Who Need to Read “From Doctor to Patient” Right Now Read More »