Depending on a client's health issues and how they relate to the interweaving of body/mind/spirit body, Dr Nagula uses his training to select and curate therapies that offer healing potential. He draws on the power of bioenergetic therapies that aim to balance inner and outer forces so that these forces may again return to balance. His goal is to determine a client’s personal healing signature to return that person to vitality, joy, and body integrity. He has trained in all the following therapies:

1:1 Coaching/Mentorship

Work with Dr. Diva on Health & Wellness, Personal Development, Spirituality


Receive energy healing from Dr. Diva, remote or in person

Ketamine Therapy

Ketamine-Assisted Psychothearpy for Depression/Anxiety

Regenerative Stem Cell Therapy

Reduce your biological age

Functional Medicine

Functional medicine focuses on the often complex root cause of a client’s illness. Clients seek out functional medicine practitioners because these doctors tend to give more thought and personal time to considering a client’s physical symptoms, as well as the ways in which emotional and spiritual phenomena may weave into them. Alternative treatments are considered as well as tried-and-true-medical practices, nutrition, and other resources that could assist a client to heal what the physician considers to be the root cause.

Integrative Medicine

Integrative medicine has certain similarities with functional medicine but it seeks to use the best of conventional medicine and alternative medicine to heal a client. Drugs, herbal remedies, craniosacral therapy, and acupuncture are among the modalities integrative medicine may draw on.

Western Medicine

Allopathic medicine is a system of disease treatments available globally. Doctors and other professionals trained in this system use sophisticated technology to diagnose disease. Drugs and surgery are primary treatment techniques.

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An energy practice that channels life force inherent in all-that-is. Through it, the practitioner offers healing potential to the body/mind/spirit of the client. A practitioner lays hands on the client, channeling this energy through vibrating living symbols transferred into the practitioner upon initiation. This universal force, discovered first in Japan, allows the practitioner to direct healing either in person or remotely. The client may feel this as heat or emotional release or in some other manifestation.


The practice of shamanism takes many forms. Originally it was taught by elders to younger indigenous children selected to carry the practice into the next generation and thus serve the community or tribe. Among western practitioners, it is learned as a life path, often achieved through initiation from an experienced shaman. Ceremony, meditation, plant medicine, and energetic communications from the spirit world are healing tools used to build a clients’ inner resources and assist with healing journeys. Visions, regular spiritual practices, and deep connection with nature often identify the shamanic practitioner.


Many healing practices draw on ceremony to bridge the gap between the known and the unknown. Chanting, drumming, praying, trance dancing, and the use of sacred objects and ointments all transport the sufferer to the place where he or she confronts the source of the disease and the potential for healing. Ritual frees the client from material day-to-day experience and elevates toward another reality where the inexplicable becomes possible.

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Regenerative Stem Cells

Stem cells are taken from the client’s own bone marrow or fat tissue, and are used to repair or replace diseased regions of the body. Stem cells are self-generating, but can be encouraged to replicate more rapidly through dietary choices and intermittent fasting. We use a novel technology that amplifies autologous stem cells derived from the person’s own blood that is then concentrated and delivered back to the person from whom they were derived.

Remote Healing

More and more healing practices are available energetically without in-person contact. Reiki, some ayurvedic medicine, chakra balancing, and other forms of non-touch energy healing are grounded in vibration. Everything that lives vibrates. Vibration is all around us and cannot be contained by a specific format such as an in-person touch protocol. If distance is a concern, remember that it is possible to experience the uplift of an energy session without having to meet in person.


Neurofeedback is a specialized type of biofeedback, that helps you learn to regulate certain body functions so they operate more efficiently. It encourages the brain to develop healthier patterns of activity. The goal of treatment is not only to change how you think and feel, but also to change your brain on a biological level for better functioning.

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Ketamine Therapy & Psychedelic Integration

Ketamine is a powerful tool that can create profound and meaninful changes within an individual. Combined with energy work and shamanic ceremony, this therapy can often improve and individual’s well being, reduce anxiety and depression, and provide a reduction in brain inflammation.

Electromagnetic Frequency Technologies

The body is exposed to resonant and harmonic frequencies that boosts the body’s cellular electrical charge and facilitates the body’s natural healing mechanisms


Depending on a client's health issues and how they relate to the interweaving of body/mind/spirit body, Dr Nagula use his training to select and curate therapies that offer healing potential. He draws on the power of bioenergetic therapies that aim to balance inner and outer forces so that these forces may again return to balance. His goal is to determine a client’s personal healing signature to return that person to vitality, joy, and body integrity. He has trained in all the above therapies


Explore Shamanic Rituals and Healings


Schedule a brain mapping session and/or neurofeedback

EMF Tech

Schedule a solo or facilitator assisted session

Trinity Wellness

Shift your vibration, frequency, and perception