PODCAST- Teri Cochrane: The Wildatarian Diet — Eat to your genetic blueprint & current state of health


About Our Guest- Teri Cochrane

\"\"Teri Cochrane, founder of the Global Sustainable Health Institute®, is an international thought leader in longevity and maximizing human potential. Teri has developed The Cochrane Method®, a future-facing, multisystem wellness model that examines the intersection of genetic tendencies, energy, and her clients’ current state of health. Teri specializes in solutions to complex health conditions and serves world class athletes. 

A dedicated advisor, speaker and educator, Teri’s partnerships include Singularity University, Maverick1000, Renaissance Weekends, and the DaVinci50 longevity alliance. She has been featured in the Washington Post, and has been a repeat guest on the Emmy winning Dr. Partha Nandi shows. She is regularly featured on the podcasts and summits of the nation\’s top health entrepreneurs, including Dave Asprey’s Bulletproof Radio and Ben Greenfield Fitness. A pioneer of high-frequency and intentional living, Teri is the author of the Amazon best-selling new release book, The Wildatarian Diet: Living As Nature Intended.


Full Podcast Transcription


Teri Cochrane 00:12
So this is the beauty of the dance of this methodology because when you go absolute on one thing, right, people say well Teri, you told me not to eat oxalates but do you let me eat oatmeal, and that\’s oxalates. Well you also have a massive hormonal imbalance and oatmeal culls and draws to the colon those hormones which then can be metabolized out. So that\’s that\’s what I love about this because there\’s always inherent intelligence in the body giving us that feedback. 

Diva Nagula 02:01 

Hello everyone and welcome to another episode of From Doctor to Patient. Today I am joined with Teri Cochrane. She\’s the founder of the Global Sustainable Health Institute and an international thought leader in longevity and maximizing human potential. Teri\’s developed the Cochrane method, a future facing multi-system wellness model that examines the intersection of genetic tendencies, energy, and your client\’s current state of health. She specializes in solutions to complex health conditions and serves world class athletes. A dedicated advisor, speaker, and educator, Teri\’s partnerships include Singularity University, Maverick 1000, Renaissance Weekends and the DaVinci 50 Longevity Alliance. She\’s been featured in The Washington Post, and has been a repeat guest of the Emmy winning Dr. Partha Nandi shows. She\’s regularly featured on the podcast and summits of the nation\’s top health entrepreneurs including Dave Asprey\’s Bulletproof Radio, and Ben Greenfield Fitness. A pioneer of high frequency and intentional living, Teri\’s the author of the Amazon best selling new released book, The Wildatarian Diet, Living As Nature Intended. Hi, Terry, how are you? 

Teri Cochrane 03:28
Hi Diva! So good to be with you and your audience. 

Diva Nagula 03:31 

It\’s really interesting – you know, we both had past lives that are so far remote of what we\’re doing today, you switched out of the real estate business, it\’s top producer in the field, and you switched over to health and wellness. So tell me a little bit about that transition. And then what switched you over into the health and wellness field? 

Teri Cochrane 03:51
It is indeed mysterious how the universe lands things in front of us that at first appear to be really rigorous and scary and actually are the blessings of our life. And so, yes, I spent 20 years in commercial real estate finance on the institutional side and my last tour of duty, as I call it, I ran a department within the multifamily division at Freddie Mac. And so I looked to manage risk for our multifamily portfolio. I was a consummate negotiator to try to bring the best to both sides of the equation, borrower and lender. And that\’s what I did, and I loved it. And I thought I was pretty good at it. And after the birth of my first son, on his three year well, checkup, it was anything but a wellness report. We were told to accept brain seizures that he would not go past five foot four, that he would be impaired, and at the time he was experiencing really significant asthma. At three he was barely talking and walking. Actually my in-laws were very worried about him at the time thinking this child\’s not normal. And the next several years related to steroids and more steroids that he was taking as a little guy, he noticed that 60 milligrams of prednisone regularly. You know, a 40 pound year old kid, just what that did to his endocrine system, in particular, his adrenal switch were already compromised to begin with, this was devastating. And so by the age of five, I really started seeking out what is an alternative? What if it doesn\’t have to be destroyed? So I, I started dedicating my risk management skills to managing his returned to help. I knew nothing about medicine, nutrition, or energy. But I really felt that you can apply skill sets to anything in life. And so I applied my really solution seeking disposition, because I\’m a Cuban refugee and my parents always taught me to live in the solution, not the problem – and I applied that and massive amounts of resources, because he will be 27 in just a few months. And so that\’s a long time ago, before really the internet was even around – Google wasn\’t around, and we didn\’t have the access to information that we do today. So I interviewed parents, I went to libraries, I was really curious about other children and how they were developing. And after multiple, you know, books of research and inquiry, it was an epiphany, oh my gosh, the food I\’m feeding him is poisoning him. And within five days of changing how he ate, he started breathing better, his eczema, his really like extreme bleeding eczema, started improving a little bit, we started seeing the allergic shiners go away. It was a long journey but it was the impetus for me to really seek alternative methods. And by the time he was 10, I decided to leave my previous life and be that mother for other mothers that was told deal with a broken child. And so now fast forward almost 20 years later, and here we are. 

Diva Nagula 07:11 

And here we are – interesting, I mean, so 20 years ago, correct me if my timeline is off, but there weren\’t a whole lot of issues as there are now with glyphosate and pesticides. Right? It was a matter of the foods that weren\’t specifically accurately given to him, because he might have had some issues with specific genetic composition – that might have been the reason why the foods that he was taking were reacting the way it was. 

Teri Cochrane 07:40
Absolutely. And in his case, what I later found many years later, was that my pregnancy was a difficult pregnancy, it was a traumatic pregnancy. And so I was actually taking from his adrenals to help support me. And so it makes complete sense that he was born adrenal insufficient. So he didn\’t have those natural steroids to manage his inflammatory response. And he was on a level of fight or flight because I was in fight or flight. And so I transferred my stress response to him in utero. And so he was much more delicate. And as a matter of fact, I was on 10 weeks of bestrest with him, and even on 10 weeks of bedrest, he was born six weeks premature. So he wanted to get out of there. So I stopped giving him my stress response. And you know, that was really important because now we know that stress is one of the fires orders for genetic expression. And his poor little genes, which we now know he has; he has methylation issues, he has sulfation issues, he has oxalate metabolism issues, he\’s got some issues with dopamine metabolism – so there are a lot of not issues, but I would say genetic possibilities, if these things can be expressed. And so I didn\’t know that at the time, but when he was born, effectively, he was genetically epigenetically expressed, which then made it really hard for him to process anything that had sugar or mycotoxins or mold, because he was already living in the stress response already in a predisposed fight or flight, always pushing epinephrine in his little body. So he was already eating those things that effectively harm him. However, they would have not been expressed, you\’re right 20 years ago, glyphosate was much less of an issue. So luckily today, he can eat pretty much what he wants, he\’s doing really well. And you know, we\’ve gotten to the other side of the bridge, but it was really fascinating how, in you know, the rearview mirror in retrospect, say my gosh, my child was born in fight or flight with an epigenetic expression. 

Diva Nagula 09:52 

Interesting enough, you know, we\’ve chatted offline and you\’re also an intuitive and a medical medium. How long have you known these skill sets? And how did this come about? 

Teri Cochrane 10:04
Well, everything in life is a practice and we have to practice what we are gifted with. I believe, looking back again, right in the rearview mirror, at the age of 10 I would have these dreams that were very real. And then some of those facets of those dreams, they materialize. And even at 10, I saw myself fully in my dream state, take bad stuff out of people. You know, I\’d have the rope, and I\’d really pull it, I didn\’t know what it was. And again, you know, I\’ve been very much in a traditional lifestyle, went to college, was in a sorority, but people would always seek my counsel. And I intuitively knew how to approach what they were facing, and to really support them out of whatever it was that they might be stuck with. So that continued and even at Friday, they would come in and they would say, hey, I have this situation, can you help support me out of it? And so I\’d always felt like I was a good listener. But really, when I really felt that this came to much more of a oh, yeah, it\’s really there is when I became very ill, through my own inadequacy of managing my stress response in a life transition, there were seven viruses reactivated in me in my head. I had had liver damage, I had brain encephalitis, I had lung damage, I had complete neuropathy, my cognition, I use my brain for a living, and I couldn\’t find my way home, I couldn\’t remember my address. So I call that now my period of animated suspension. And I had to surrender to my body to figure out why I was doing it. I was told I had the 2% chance of survival, the infectious disease specialists that I was working with said, even if you come out of it, you will not be yourself again. And it was in those moments of surrender, where I surrendered to what was really happening, they had misdiagnosed me. That it wasn\’t what they said, it was all viral. And I was seeing it in my practice that you never tried to heal yourself. But effectively, I had to take it into my own hands. And so with this surrender, and with the return of my whole self, once I really went to this place of okay, my body can do this, within two weeks I found the answers that I needed to really bring myself back to health. But then I started really noticing, wow, I\’m getting some really interesting information that\’s being downloaded. And it\’s super accurate – I would get information that I look it up in the clinical literature, and there it was. And so you know, the body of work that I\’ve accumulated – very scientific over many years, my book has 400 citations of this, you know, this is actually clinical literature, what I ended up doing was I became a massive assimilator information bringing in and then integrating it to develop a methodology that I believe is primary, and my clients believe so too, with their, you know, the efficacy of sustainable and vibrant health, but it just keeps growing. So now I work with clients and influencers at the quantum level. And so we match energy with my methodology to really, as I stated in my intro, to maximize their human potential, because we are energy and back when when they thought this is very woo, I have now deemed it neurology and biology of woo because it really is a science and quantam physics is proving that we are energy, and everything is energy. And when we tune to the frequency of that which we might not have been able to tune into, just like dogs hear different frequency, we can hear different frequencies. And I believe universal wisdom is available to us if we\’re tapped into that frequency. 

Diva Nagula 14:01 

That\’s well said. And thank you for sharing all that. And talking about woo-ology, you know, one of the cornerstones of your practice is applied kinesiology or muscle testing. Can you define that a little bit, and what that is to the listeners and kind of share with us how you use this when you diagnose your clients on a regular basis? 

Teri Cochrane 14:23
So I did not invent applied kinesiology but what I think really innovators do is they take someone\’s wonderful work and then they 2.0 it. Right, they make it even better and that\’s what I say with the people that learn from me, 2.0 my teaching so that you can make it better. And so applied kinesiology is based on the fact that we have a bio energetic field and I had just proven that there is a field outside of us that is energy. And Montegue, who was a Nobel Prize Laureate with AIDS research in his experimentation, he used the centrifuge as part of his work, and he found that when he cleaned the centrifuge, there were some atomic particles remaining, and so it wasn\’t clean. And with that, he was able to extract the subatomic particles, put them in a solution, and then have them put in vials, and his work is now in Brown. And now there\’s a whole applied kinesiology knowledge and discipline. But effectively applied kinesiology is putting in the energetic frequency signature of let\’s say, garlic, or estrogen, or dopamine into the fields of the individual. And then applying pressure to the arm to see if in the field of that individual, that electromagnetic signature of whatever that is is, keeps the field balanced, or breaks a circuit in the field, and the body has no resistance. And why it has no resistance is the circuit breaks, if you will, the sort of metaphorically so the nerve can\’t fire to the muscle to hold the arm up. And as you noted, Diva, I work with some world class athletes, some of the top in the world. And no one can outmuscle this process, if it creates some interference in the field. And so what it really allows us to do and the way that I\’ve adapted this methodology is that I scan organ systems to see where this interference might be – traditional applied kinesiology just looks at one meridian, well, I\’ll ask the pituitary or the thyroid, or the liver or the endocrine system, the ovaries, are you there? Is there an interference there, especially we\’re looking at pathogenicity, because we know that pathogens, particularly viruses and bacteria like to hide in tissue. And it even is subclinical because it may not show on a serum word, but we find it subclinically through this approach that says you have an imbalance with this, do you have an overt allergy or an over sensitivity? Maybe not, but it\’s still creating an imbalance in your field. And therefore, if you continue to eat, for example, foods that are high in mold, when you have Candida in your field, which is also a fungus, that\’s going to be a problem. And so it really helps us create a granular approach to how we look at the body. And what\’s super cool is in the field of epigenetics, we do a lot of nutri-genomic analysis with our naturopathic doctor who performs the analyses and we interpret them – that\’s just the potentiality of do you have this gene polymorphism. Our work helps us discern, is it expressed? So it really helps us figure out where they\’re going, because it\’s not just about the genes – just like my son, back to my son, it didn\’t matter that he had all those genes, what mattered with polymorphisms, what mattered was he was born, they were expressed, because he got most of them from me. And I\’m not expressing them anymore. When I was really sick, they were all popping, you know, I had expressed all those potentialites. But we also know that we can de-express what is expressed, just like we can turn down the volume on pathogenicity, so they\’re not boys in our sandbox. And when we do that, we achieve optimal health. 

Diva Nagula 18:39 

And that\’s the beauty of this all is that there\’s obviously testing for gene testing, 23&Me and all these other companies, but there\’s not to my knowledge, any kind of modality that allows us to diagnose in real-time, genetic expression. And this is the field of epigenetics and you\’ve taken this such a step further. I mean, a huge leap further. And in your method of applying applied kinesiology and understanding the gene snips and understanding the biochemistry, you\’re able to determine what genes are expressed and what are not expressed and being able to, you know, if they\’re inappropriately expressed, you have a algorithm where you can provide the patient or client\’s food and supplements to de- express or unexpress that gene that we want to turn off. And so it\’s amazing to me because your system has a built-in redundancy. So that if indeed the gene is is proven to be expressed, you know, you have these built-in checks with specific foods and specific supplements that if you test them in itself, it actually allows you to understand that yes, this is in correlation with a gene that is expressed, or unexpressed. And it\’s a built in redundancy, it\’s over and over and over again, so that you could actually take the food, and then reverse engineering it and understand that it\’s the exact gene expression that you\’re seeking and diagnose what\’s applied in the kinesiology. 

Teri Cochrane 20:53
Absolutely. And you said it better than I do. So I\’m going to take that from you and give you credit. It is a redundancy feature within the algorithm of my methodology, that is our check and balance. So for example, if you have the ____ synthase polymorphism, which is, I call it central broadcasting station, CBS – that gene has to do with how you process sulfur, and we need sulfur to convert to sulfate in the body for the mucin layer of the gut, for neurotransmitters, for our collagen structure, for calcifications, and so forth. So if we test that, and that gene is expressed, another way to prove it, through food, is that every food that contains sulfur most likely will fail. The only instance would be what I call the hierarchy of needs. And this is how we get so granular. So let\’s say that all the cruciferous vegetables, which are sulfuric kale for that individual – however, a yoke passes. Well why? That there may be another gene polymorphism, where they have the comped gene, where they need choline and egg yolks are also really rich in choline. And so why did that individual pass the egg yolk but failing the other ones? Because the Hierarchy of Needs said, you need choline from the egg yolk, but even then we counsel our clients overeasy, soft boil because when they\’re in that softer version of the yoke, you will be able to extract the choline much more easily. So this is the beauty of the dance of this methodology. Because when you go absolute on one thing, right, people say, well, Teri, you told me not to eat oxalates, but you let me eat oatmeal and that\’s oxalates. Well, you also have a massive hormonal imbalance and oatmeal pulls and draws to the colon, those hormones which then can be metabolized out. So that\’s what I love about this because there\’s always an inherent intelligence in the body giving us that feedback. 

Diva Nagula 22:52 

So you already spoke about some buzzwords. So let\’s go in and define those. And let\’s really get into the nitty gritty of the Wildatarian Diet and the Cochran method. So you said some buzzwords about oxalates and sulfur, and another buzzword you haven\’t mentioned is amyloid. So let\’s talk about these at length and kind of do a deep dive here.  

Teri Cochrane 23:11
So Wildatarian, which is a word I invented, and a concept and a whole movement – it\’s really eating and living to your genetic blueprint and your current state of health by minimizing foods that are rich in amyloids, mycotoxins which are fungal, and foods that may inhibit your body\’s ability to process protein, fat, sulfur, and oxalates. And there\’s four wild types that I\’ve developed within the Wildatarian structure. That\’s why it\’s a diet that\’s customized to your genetic blueprint and your current state of health. So I am a low sulfur, low oxalate Wildatarian – what does that mean? Well, in my genetic blueprinting, I have a lot of genes that don\’t allow me to break down sulfur or oxalates. So what is sulfur? As I said, again, sulfur is a compound found and it\’s an element found in many healthy foods that needs to be converted to its end product, which is sulfate. So it can do all those great things that I mentioned before. However, if you\’re genetically predisposed, and glyphosate, which is the RoundUp, which is liberally sprayed on our crops, we have almost 300 million pounds of RoundUp sprayed on our crops every year in the United States. That\’s nuts. Just think about that year over year and we\’ve actually hit a tipping point. And I saw that tipping point about three years ago, where people that even didn\’t have the genes became dirty genes because it\’s just such a, it\’s so vastly available everywhere we go. So, eating low sulfur foods instead of eating, for example, kale, I call it killer kale. Dave Asprey and I joke about killer kale. Instead of eating kale, I\’m going to eat bibb lettuce or Boston lettuce, or romaine lettuce because those lettuces don\’t have that sulfur component. So I switch that for the other. Instead of having broccoli, I\’m going to have zucchini. So what we do in the Wildatarian, it\’s not a deprivation based approach of, oh my gosh, I can\’t eat this. We say no, eat this instead, because this is something that\’s going to marry up to your genetics, and you\’ll feel so good. Today I had a woman – she lives somewhere in the United States, we did genetic analysis, I\’ve never met her, her nutrigenomic analysis. She had a rash and had Rosacea for 20 years – 20 years. She had no energy, she was completely swollen. Her gut was a mess. In six weeks, Rosacea\’s gone, her energy\’s up, her gut is fine. She needed to be a low sulfur, low oxalate Wildatarian. So let\’s get to oxalates. What are oxalates? So an oxalate is a protective mechanism found in many healthy foods, such as almonds and black beans and spinach and actually berries. However, if we have certain genes, I call it the gopher gene, polymorphisms, and those genes have been expressed, again, back to glyphosate, because glyphosate has stopped our body\’s ability to produce the gut microbiome bacteria that used to be able to metabolize those oxalates. Now they\’re not there. And actually, I know that there\’s a company out of Switzerland who\’s trying to create a probiotic to actually return the ___ bacteria back into our bodies. Because we\’re not making it anymore, not not making it sufficiently. So that which we used to metabolize…I used to eat spinach all the time – but now those oxolates can create crystals in our bodies and it\’s been tied to myocardial infarction, which is heart attack, is kidney stones, gall stones, it\’s been tied to thyroid nodules, neuromas, all the omas, these growths that are crystallization -polycystic ovarian syndrome, cysts. When we cannot break them down, these things will calcify. That is why gall stones and kidney stones, over 85% of them are calcium oxalate stones – that means your body cannot metabolize that oxalate and created a stone, that\’s a problem. And so again, instead of eating that, you go to the squashes, you go to tomatoes; they think that nightshades are a problem. I don\’t find it because once you lower the allergy stacking within the body, nitrates are actually really good. What I believe, and I haven\’t proven this, but this is a theory that I have, is that we are adapting to be able to manage the foods that we can manage, because we can\’t manage the foods we can\’t manage anymore.
And so that\’s the oxolate. And then the big one is hemorrhoids. And I\’m really proud of this. I didn\’t discover the amyloids, but I did apply it differently than anyone else I now. And so through, again, clients coming to me that are basically not able to be cured – and I\’m not saying I\’m curing but to get rebalanced, people that have been told you\’re going to be living this or you won\’t, you\’re actually not going to be living at all, we worked with a lot of that in-stage type of diagnoses. A client came into my practice that had end-stage amyloidosis, and that is, in his case, it was a rare form of cancer, that two rounds of chemo had put him into congestive heart and kidney failure. And he was given his last rites. He was told to go home. And his wife was a CNN producer at the time and they found me and I didn\’t know about amyloids – that was almost a decade ago. At the time I had an expatriate from NIH who was a scientific researcher who was doing work for me, as I asked her to go and find the research around amyloids. Why is this, how can this be happening? And what we found….first let me define amyloids – they are truncated protein structures. These are exogamous amyloid, amyloids that come from outside – truncated protein structures that are indigestible. And the clinical literature shows that when they are not digested by the body, they will accumulate tissue specific or systematic. And when they accumulate tissue specific, they can be the amyloids around his heart, they can go into kidney disease, heart disease, Lou Gehrig\’s, ALS, Alzheimer\’s, Parkinson\’s, like the beta amyloids of the brains, especially in Alzheimer\’s, and also they help initiate autoimmune conditions. And so the clinical literature showed, hey guys, guess what? These exogamous amyloids are coming from our food supply, the most studied of which are chicken and beef. Why is that happening? They\’re not inherently animals of the wild. What the literature showed was that the crowding conditions, especially chicken were creating these amyloids structures within their tissue, that could not be broken down from the cooking process. So when we ate them, we are then accumulating them in our body. And so Glen, my Wildatarian number one – by removing the amyloids from his food supply – he also had to be low sulfur, because he was creating calcifications with oxalates. And he had to be low fungus. Within three months of doing that a light changed, which is a marker for how you measure amalyoids were normalized. Not only did he not die, the light chains normalized, and he was able to continue his chemo therapy. And I worked very closely with the oncologists on how to manage food and when we did chemo. So they even said, well, it\’s going to come back in a year. You know, this is a very, very unstaged situation, it\’s going to come back in a year, it\’s going to come back in two years – well, it\’s almost been 10 years. And Glen is doing really well. And so that was the genesis of understanding that the amalyoids had a very deleterious effect on your body in the end, the study show that at least in mice, that when you remove the amyloid burden, the body removes this amyloid burden. So we\’ve seen this over the 1000s and 1000s of patients and clients that are treated now when we lower their amyloid burden, really things return to balance, and beyond what that did for this individual what we now know also in the clinical literature, but what we\’ve seen in myself included when I had the seven viruses light up, or because I wasn\’t fully wild, I was writing the book. And the process of my period of animated suspension was that these amyloids turn on pathogenic loads. So the stress was the light, you know, the kind of the striking of the match. But I kept feeding it by the food supply, because I used to eat chicken all the time. And it was feeding the amalyoids that were turning on viral loads in me. And so removing them, taking away those amyloid burdens and removing the stress response really helped me get back and taking away my sulfur and my oxolates, because they all feed together really helped me get better. So the fourth tenet of the Wildatarian approach is fat nonabsorption – well, what does that mean? I call stress the dirty cupcake. It is a fattening sugar, that really is a fire starter to our gene expression. But it also makes the ____ work, because it opens up the tight junctions of our gut, it increases the terms on pathogenicity, and it makes us not able to process fat as diligently. And again, if you have fat metabolism impairment genes like the apple gene, or the VDR gene, or the MTHFR system I\’ve been teaching, where you\’re not a great assimilator of bile, bile salts, which are the emulsifiers to break down fat, then eating a high fat diet is going to kick your butt, especially if you\’re a woman, especially if you\’re a woman who is mensing. And especially if you\’re a woman that is mensing, during her period in her mid-cycle, that can make you depressed, eating a ketogenic diet, your fat malabsorbed, and you\’re a woman that\’s mensing, can make you clinically depressed, because you\’re so fat malabsorbed that you can\’t bring the neurotransmitters through the blood brain barrier. And you\’re potentially recycling estrogen, which then replaces serotonin, and you don\’t have enough serotonin. So these were elements of the Wildatarian approach, is really numerated or rather illuminated, how eating to your genetic blueprint and your current state of health, based on Wildatarian principles is really important, especially in what we\’re dealing with today. 

Diva Nagula 33:48 

Yeah, thank you for outlining all that it\’s very…..I would imagine a lot of people are going to be hitting the rewind button. Going back to this because there\’s so much juicy information with what you just said and shared. Going back to some of the things you talked about, specifically with amyloid. So it\’s often found in animals, like you said, specifically beef and chicken. But what if we are eating an organic diet or you know, pasture raised animals, grass fed beef, and you know, is that still an issue? 

Teri Cochrane 34:21
That\’s a really great question. It is definitely better than eating commercial animals, right. The commercial animals we know. There\’s so many reasons why we shouldn\’t eat them, but amalyoids are clearly one of them. What my theory is, is that you have to know who that parent of that pasture fed animal was because you have transfer of DNA generationally. And so if you\’re looking at a heritage breed animal that has never been genetically modified, if you will, it\’s probably going to be okay, but what we find is pasture fed and pastured finished…and also you have to be really careful with the definition because pasture fed, can mean pasture fed for five minutes, and then their corn finished for most of their lives, right? And free-range chicken, the definition is very loose with the FDA, they can be on a on a parking lot for five minutes, and that\’s free range. So we really have to first understand if we\’re going to go that way to really find out who that provider is and talk to them. That\’s why I love farmers markets because people are honest. Right? The farmers will tell you and I always talk to them. You know, I\’m not trying to quiz them, but I\’m trying to inquire what\’s best for my my genetic blueprint. I also believe that if we have a certain level of gut integrity, and we are not expressing genetically, yes, every now and then I had to live in young earlier this, you know, this week I did fine. Why? Because my body\’s robust. But I\’m not going to have to live in young day after day after day. Because eventually, that\’s going to be too hard for me to assimilate. Until I became Wildatarian I always had GI issues. I couldn\’t break down my protein. Well, of course, I have the MTHFR a 1298c, I can\’t do that, I don\’t break down protein very well, I make hydrochloric acid, I always had problems, I now have such a happy tummy. I can properly break down my proteins. It\’s really great. And you can tell because the best indicator of a happy gut is what you see in the toilet or you know, when you evacuate. And so it\’s really important that we\’re linking it. So again, the body talks, which is all part of the Wildatarian teachings, is what is your body telling you? You know, when you eat these things? Are you feeling like you have massive amounts of energy and no inflammation and your soul was happy and your brain and your gut is happy and your muscles are strong? Because what we do know is when we can\’t break down protein, we can\’t make muscle. And that\’s one of the questions that we have in our Wildatarian course, do you have trouble building muscle? Do you burp a lot? Those are those are answers that the body\’s telling you, I\’m not good at breaking down protein, at least the protein that I\’m eating, I\’m not doing well. 

Diva Nagula 37:02 

And then the other thing about amyloid, you know, I think we chatted about this is that oftentimes if there\’s a pathogenic load in our body, like these, amyloids will feed into the viruses and then it\’s actually feeding into the biofilm that is created by these viruses. So you\’re strengthening the armor around these viruses is preventing your immune system from attacking and doing away with these viruses. 

Teri Cochrane 37:26
Absolutely. I call it the ping pong effect and what the clinical literature shows and we\’ve proven it empirically, is that amyloids will turn on pathogenic loads, and amyloids being biofilm, which is the protective coating, biofilm makes amyloids so is like, holy gosh, they\’re very smart. And we\’re in stuck in the process. And so really critically important that we\’re neither feeding the amyloid burden more are you feeding the biofilm burden, and biocell is helped to be made by oxalate rich foods which build biofilm because oxalates and Aspergillus mold, they feed on each other. So that\’s why eating peanut butter can really be a problem because it\’s a high mold and it\’s a high oxalate foods, I call it the devil on steroids. Because unless you\’re really robust, I think one out of maybe 500 individuals in my practice can really withstand peanut butter long term. And you know, they\’ve done studies on peanuts having a carcinogenic effect because it\’s an absolute toxin, which is mycotoxin on steroids. So you know, we really have to be mindful around the food, not to be afraid of food ,so instead of peanut butter, let\’s do sunflower butter, or cashew butter, almond butter is high oxalate, so I can\’t do almond butter, but I love sunflower butter. So it\’s just finding that kind of, that match to me or to you to what is the best way to marry my foods to my genetic blueprint and my current state of health. You know, if I\’m fighting a cold, which, you know, knock on wood, I\’ve been eating very healthy post my period of ____ suspension. I\’m not going to be eating a lot of dairy, even though I love dairy. Why? Because it\’s mucus producing. So it\’s just really, it\’s navigating. What\’s so beautiful about this Diva is I work with children. And these kids that have been with me for years, they are so facile with their bodies, who understand what\’s going on, and then they lean in and lean back when they need to. It\’s so empowering for them. 

Diva Nagula 39:29 

You know, as a clinical provider, as a physician, and I\’ve actually had the opportunity to be your client and also shadow you and see many different types of clients and people from all walks of life come in. And it\’s amazing to me how I\’ve seen people walking through the door day after day with chronic issues that have been plaguing them for years, if not decades, and having them come in and having you do your methodology, employ the Cochrane method, and they come back in a few weeks, and there\’s significant improvement. And these are people who have been on antibiotics, antivirals, you know, and some, even to the point where they\’re actually getting immunotherapy, you know, because of a suspected autoimmune conditions. And this is such a nightmare, because this is just, you know, Big Pharma is winning again, and unfortunately, physicians like myself went to medical school for, to say, we basically are pawns of Big Pharma, because when we come out, we\’re just basically equipped their script pad, and we\’re ready to write whatever we think is needed to make this person better. And really, they may get better, but it\’s really putting a bandaid over the symptoms. And unfortunately, that\’s not how medicine should be practiced. And all physicians, you know, are devoid and lack of knowledge with specifically nutrition. And then you add into what else you\’re doing with genetics and epigenetics and gene expression and the biochemistry. I mean, we don\’t know any of this, this is crazy. So it\’s really something where I feel strongly where your methods should be actually on the front lines in terms of teaching people that actually how to practice practitioners like myself, general practitioners, and it\’s something that\’s teachable. And it\’s something that is so useful for clients and patients, and I can\’t emphasize how important it is. And I hope one day that that\’s what will come true is that your method will be on the forefront of institutions that are teaching students to be healthcare practitioners. 

Teri Cochrane 41:33
Thank you, that is so kind and generous. And, yes, we\’re working on putting together practitioner models, and you\’re one of our first eyes on some of the information that that where we\’re building here, that\’s true. And you know, I bring it back to my son, you know, where I was told, hey, this is just the way it\’s going to be. And he would be a very different man today had I listened to that dogma. And I know that the clients that I have here, not only do they get better, but then they become what they call, they call themselves, the disciples this practice, because then they are living this life. And people are saying, oh, my gosh, what did you do differently? And how do you do this? Oh, well, I\’m adapting this approach. And so you know, the grassroots effort is really something I love. I love the word grassroots effort, because it has roots, right. And so when we built a great root system, and it has stability, it\’s a great foundation to really build something enormous. And something that\’s powerful, and I think that, you know, my son calls me a 15 year overnight success. But because it was 15 years before my knowledge really kind of came out into the forefront. But you know, I\’m so happy to hear you say this, because, you know, you have witnessed, as you said, what is possible in the practice. And I\’m so happy to be able to now really want to start sharing it because we do believe – and mine is a component, your your expertise in plant medicines is a component. We\’re working with stem cell specialists, Dr. ____, who is a genius, and I\’m certain will win a Nobel Prize in his his positioning on stem cells with very small embryonic like stem cells. And then we have, you know, we have the work of Dave Asprey, who\’s doing you know, his upgrade labs, and we have Harry Maslee, who was doing in pursuit of goals, and we have energy medicine. And it\’s all coming together at a time where the world, Mother Earth is actually howling for a different approach. Because if we continue down this path of large feedlots, mono- cropping….it\’s not sustainable. Large farming isn\’t sustainable, it\’s depleting the nutrient values, our crops….the soil is 90% nutrient depleted. The methane, because of the way that these animals are being fed, the off-gassing, I don\’t think you know, we\’ve had moved animals on the planet for millennia. Why is it a problem now? Well, because we\’re feeding them corn and they can\’t bring it down. And we\’re giving them antibiotics, and they\’re literally producing massive amounts. So it\’s even down to the planetary level that this is now important, to really look at things differently. 

Diva Nagula 44:38 

Absolutely. And what\’s also amazing to me is that if you\’re able to share, that\’s great, but if not, no big deal, but I mean, even when I\’m actually shadowing with you, we\’re seeing so many different people coming in whose genes have been tripped because they\’ve had the vaccine, and I\’m specifying the COVID vaccine. It\’s absolutely amazing. I mean, you know, we\’re using the method and determining this, but it\’s it\’s unbelievable how people\’s genetic expression is tripped, time in and time after again. And you know, I don\’t know what\’s going to happen in the next 10 to 15 years, but if we\’re seeing these issues now, fresh into the whole vaccine rollout, I\’m so frightened as to what\’s going to happen down the road. And we\’re talking about 1/3, almost 1/3 of our population in this country has been vaccinated, either having the full dose or just the first dose. And so, I mean, my goodness, I mean, I don\’t know what\’s going to happen, you know, if just if this stuff continues to show up the way it is, when they\’re having autoimmune conditions and genes being tripped and having all sorts of reactions. And the good thing is, is that there are ways to actually like to manage this stuff, you know, but that has to be recognized. And it has to be, you know, unfortunately, at this time be seen by you, as a practitioner to identify this problem, or just, you know, people just have to be tuned in a little bit. Yeah, I just see, it\’s a problem. And I hope that, you know, things will change, and I hope your method will will be rolled out fast enough so that it will catch up to all these problems that we\’re seeing. And eventually, you know, we\’ll get everything under control. 

Teri Cochrane 46:24
Well, thank you. And I do believe you know, anything, that\’s an insult to the body that has to fit the body, that the body has to manage….the way that the body can best manage is to, let\’s lower the burden on the body. Not only lower the burden, amyloids are a great way. Stop eating amyloid rich foods, stop eating mycotoxin rich foods, really understand your genetic tendencies, because we were much better able to manage our immunological response when the body burden is much lower. It\’s a tipping point. So, you know, it\’s really I think there is a way onto the other side of this whole thing that we\’ve been looking at. But we have to be smart, we have to look to our genetic tendencies, you know, am I a vulnerable individual? Am I not a vulnerable individual? And how vulnerable am I today? Right? You know, they they\’ve said, you know, you don\’t want to get even if, if you\’re getting a flu shot and you\’re sick, don\’t get the flu shot, right. There\’s just like, you know, your immune system\’s already compromised. So it\’s like, let\’s just be diligent and vigilant around, what\’s my body doing? And how vulnerable or not am I? Before we make any decisions about what we put into our body, whether it\’s food or something else, it all matters, it all matters, 

Diva Nagula 47:38 

Right? And before we end our show, if you have some last comments in terms of just summarizing some things that we\’ve talked about, because there\’s so much information that we\’ve given our listeners, but some key things to take home on what to avoid and what to focus on when it comes to food consumption. 

Teri Cochrane 47:57
Yeah, so great question. I think you know, the cleaner we eat, the better it is but we say are you eating the right wrong foods. So we have a quiz on our website, TeriCochrane.com, take our quiz. See if you\’re that person that you can sell asparagus in the toilet when you eat asparagus, that means you might have impaired sulfur processing. Do you have a history of yeast infections, and you might be depressed, you might have an insulin sensitivity or if you\’ve had gall stones or kidney stones, stop eating those oxalate rich foods, we\’ll tell you what they are. If you have trouble building protein, if you\’re foggy headed, don\’t eat….nobody should be eating commercially raised animals, but you know, go to fish or go to bison instead of beef and lamb instead of pork or wild boar and venison and veal and excuse me, not veal, venison and elk. And go to the wild caught shellfish, you know, keep your body burden low. And I also offer the fact that we have a lot more authority over our body than what we believe, but listen to it and be gentle with it. And then this, you know, the space of uncertainty. Again, stress is the biggest signal to our genetic expression. And so we can stay in alignment and be in our own power as our highest authority of what is right for us. Not what someone is telling us we should do or have to do. You know, if I would have listened to the doctors, my son would be very different. I listened to my highest authority. He\’s very different as a result, and I\’m very grateful to him – it\’s the catalyst for me doing the work. So nothing is impossible. We have so much authority over our bodies. It\’s really important that we tune in, and we manage that stress burden because that\’s our biggest immune builder is staying in alignment. 

Diva Nagula 49:39
Excellent. And for people who are listening who want to find out more information about you and your book, what\’s the best way of doing so? 

Teri Cochrane 49:47
My book is on Amazon, both hardcopy and Kindle. TeriCochrane.com is my first website. The Global Sustainable Health Institute is how I\’m teaching that you know what it\’s going to be rolling out with the Cochrane Method and my energy work, and we\’re on all sorts of social media. So please tune in, we do lots of ask the experts on either on Instagram or Facebook, we post every other week. Today or this week, we\’re talking about bone health. So we really are here to inform, to empower, and to remind you are the ultimate authority of you. 

Diva Nagula 50:21 

Thank you, Teri, for joining us. And thank you for all the work that you do. And I really encourage all of our listeners who really want to take some better steps and optimize their health to seek you out and make an appointment. 

Teri Cochrane 50:36
Thank you. So good to see you. Thank you for having me on your show. 

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