On this episode we\’re joined by Tracee Gluhaich, the High Energy Girl. Tracee is a passionate Health Coach, 3x Author, Keto Coach a Personal Trainer, and the host of the Be Well, Be Keto podcast. She has been married for 25 years, the mother of 3 boys, and lives on an organic farm in California. Tracee was 8 years old when she started her quest for skinny. She went through periods of dieting, bingeing, & starving, was obsessed and stressed out. Later, Tracee became fascinated with nutrition, attended Integrative Nutrition and became a Holistic Health Coach.
Full Podcast Transcription
Diva Nagula 00:03
Hi, everyone. Today we have the pleasure of interviewing Tracy Gluhaich. She is also known as the high energy girl. She is a passionate health coach, three times author, keto coach, and a personal trainer, and she\’s the host of the Be Well Be Keto podcast. Tracy was eight years old when she started her quest for skinny. She went through periods of dieting, binge eating and starving and was obsessed and stressed out. Later, she became fascinated by nutrition, attended integrative nutrition and became a holistic health coach. Today we\’re gonna talk deeply into the ketogenic diet, and the state of ketosis and how it can be used for patients who are suffering from cancer. Good afternoon, Tracy, thank you for being on our podcast today.
Tracee Gluhaich 01:24
Well, thank you for having me on. Good morning.
Diva Nagula 01:27
Good morning to you. Yes. So talk to me about this quest for being skinny. So at eight years old, you were having this vision of just being skinny and thin. And I guess at that time, you were really obsessed with diets and found that\’s going to be something that you were going to do as an occupation, and as a lifestyle for you.
Tracee Gluhaich 01:46
Well, okay, I\’m 54. Now, so that was a long time ago. So basically, my parents were both always overweight, obese, and we\’re always on a diet. And it was up, down, up down, yo, yo, forever. And they were both extremely unhealthy. And so I remember back when I was young, they were on Atkins, and my dad once to said to my mom, if you ever get fat again, I\’m leaving you. And she did. And he did. And so that is what you know, got buried in my inner child\’s mind. And I created skinny with worthiness of love, which is horrible. But it was an obsession that I had for many, many, many years. And I just kept thinking I had to be skinny. And so for therefore, I was always on a low calorie diet. I was always counting points. You know, I was just OCD about it. I would run for miles and miles and miles, get shin splints all the time, I was just doing chronic cardio. And finally, I\’m like, what am I doing? I see my dad, he\’s now on his like fifth or sixth round of cancer. My mom suffers from Alzheimer\’s, Hashimotos disease, depression. They\’re both on multiple medications. And I\’m like, this is not the way I want to age. And so instead of pulling that genetic excuse, and thinking, well, this is my destiny, I decided to start studying nutrition in 2007. And, you know, it just changed the way I looked at things. So instead of going after this appearance, it was just more like, I\’m never going to be a skinny girl. I mean, I\’m Sicilian. So I\’m going to be a strong and healthy girl instead. And that\’s been my focus since.
Diva Nagula 03:23
And in 2007, what did you do to start changing your diet? And what kind of results did you see to give you the idea that okay, well, it\’s all my body habit is based on what I put in my body, and not really how I workout or exercise,
Tracee Gluhaich 03:41
I learned about cells and how the cells are renewing and dividing every hour, like tons and tons. And so the quality of your health was going to be based on the nutrients that those cells had to pull from. So it was more about feeding your body the nutrients, it needs to thrive, rather than depriving your body the calories so that it, you know, will be thinner. And so I just changed the trajectory of the way I was looking at things and decided I just wanted to fill my body with good things so that instead of my cells being sick cells, they were healthy cells.
Diva Nagula 04:15
And that\’s so interesting. So I talked about this in my book, when I got diagnosed with cancer, Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma in 2014, I really took an evaluation of my body and what contributed to it because the Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma isn\’t really a genetic disease. So I knew it was stress related. It was probably the fact that I didn\’t have any kind of green leafy vegetables or any vegetables for like 15 years since I was at home. You know, when I was, you know, my mom\’s home cooking. And then I started to really take a deep dive into nutrition and the phytonutrients content and what I was eating and processed food and I was like, oh my gosh, this is so horrible what I\’ve been putting into my body and not to mention glyphosate exposure of glyphosate in our food. You know, that\’s just huge. And I didn\’t know anything about organic. And unfortunately, they don\’t teach you this in medical school. And so when I was doing all my research for my own personal health, I was just discovering and learning all these things. And I specifically found like, ketogenic diet is fascinating. And I think its inherent effects in terms of reducing inflammation, and its other benefits, which I\’d love for you to talk about in why this is such a great diet for people in general and for people who are suffering from cancer.
Tracee Gluhaich 05:32
Well, I found the ketogenic diet, I want to say 2015, so about four years ago, and I was doing research for my mom with Alzheimer\’s and Hashimoto, she literally got diagnosed with those, I mean, within weeks apart, so I was really like looking for nutritional protocols. I would have totally been against keto. But then I found it and so I started looking into it. But in my book that I wrote in like 2014, I was kind of making fun of the low carbers because at that time, I was running like half marathons and I thought I needed carbs. So I found the ketogenic diet accidentally, but I couldn\’t believe it. I mean, I you know, as fat phobic back then, so I did a ton of research. I listened to Dr. Dominic D\’Agostino incessantly, I read Keto Clarity, and I can\’t remember what other books but I just really dived in. I just really tried to understand the science behind it. And then it started just really making sense to me. And my dad, you know, he\’s doing chemotherapy and eating candy and cookies. And I\’m like, okay, PET scans, glucose, but your doctor says, oh, it doesn\’t matter what you eat. And it just infuriated me. And I was just like, people don\’t know what they don\’t know, you know, and they think that keto is a fad. And that gluten free is a fad and all this stuff. And it just makes me crazy. Because I just understand how we, my big hashtag, my thing is aging stronger, you know, helping women to age stronger instead of weaker, healthier instead of sicker. And if you want to age in health, you\’ve got to just get rid of the poison. And sugar is, you know, the primary culprit, but so many things that lead to glucose, which creates those cancer cells. And I just really believe in eliminating all of that. And this is the way I\’m gonna live my life.
Diva Nagula 07:22
It\’s important to point out to our listeners that when a person is diagnosed with cancer, that sugar feeds the cancer cells. So it\’s really important to eliminate sugar immediately after being diagnosed with cancer. And so when you eliminate sugar, it all makes intuitive sense. Well, what am I going to eat? Well, the keto diet is kind of meant for you, because that eliminates a lot of the carbohydrates in general, and it\’d be really great for people suffering from cancer. The only thing that from my research that I\’ve realized is that there are some cancers that feed off of glutamine. So in some cancers, like if you turn off the sugar, then they can actually fuel the cancer cells by glutamine. So it depends on the cancer. But primarily, I feel that the ketogenic if you address it in a way that\’s beneficial for the patient and address their specific cancer, it can be very useful. I kind of remember when you\’re talking about yourself when I was going through chemo, and I was at Mayo hospital, I remember that it was lunchtime. And they were bringing lunch while I was getting my infusion. And it was like this processed crap. It was like some kind of bologna sandwich, you know, some cold cut meats. And I had this, you know, those like Delmonte fruit, little cups that they give you with like the syrup, you know, and the fruits and that\’s what they were giving me and, and a cookie that polish it off. And at that time I was you know, I was just just getting into my research and I was like, Are you kidding me? I\’m at a prestigious hospital, and this is what I\’m being served. Like you I started becoming really fascinated with diet, and the importance of organic and warrants of non-GMO. And then ketogenic diet is something that I advocate for most people who want to make this change. Let\’s talk about ketosis in general, you know, how does one follow the ketogenic diet, you know, like, and how do you achieve ketosis?
Tracee Gluhaich 09:16
So, basically, so for the listeners that may not know, ketosis is when in the absence of glucose, your body will convert fat to ketones, okay, that\’s just like the real quick standard way. So you can have ingested fat you can have stored fat I always like talk to my clients about the fluffy belly in the middle that is just energy waiting to be burned. So by eliminating the glucose, your option for alternative fuel sources is ketones, which actually is so good for mental clarity, it is helpful for sleep. My clients always, like within the first week, notice the difference in sleep. So it\’s a really clean fuel source. It\’s really helpful for losing weight as well because when you do a calorie restrictive diet, your body will take your stored muscle and convert that into glucose or via gluconeogenesis. And so then you\’re going to be losing muscle as well, whereas keto is muscle sparing. But some of the health benefits is just better energy because you\’re not doing blood sugar dips all day long. You know, back in the day, it was three small meals and three small snacks a day, you know, we were eating all the time. So this is very satiating, so you\’re not going to be eating as often because you\’re not gonna be hungry. One of my clients is like, Tracee, I am so full, I cannot eat all this food, like, then don\’t. It\’s okay. I mean, how often does a weight loss client say that, you know, but the mental clarity is huge. Everybody that says they just feel like they are clear thinking, they are less hungry, the fat just kind of melts off without losing muscle. And it\’s a really good healthy way to live. Plus, the last thing is Alzheimer\’s, I\’m really afraid of that, that makes me nervous. And a lot of research, that\’s current points to Alzheimer\’s being type three diabetes, by not having the blood sugar rollercoaster, and having all of that insulin, we can save our brain cells. So that\’s a huge proponent to me, and then fasting, like, I love fasting.
Diva Nagula 11:23
I\’m gonna ask you about that. So what kind of fasting? Are you an advocate of intermittent fasting or just 24 hour fasting?
Tracee Gluhaich 11:31
All of it. I think there\’s a place for everything. And I think it\’s fun to keep your body guessing, so it doesn\’t know. I\’m a big proponent of weight training. And so on leg day, I don\’t fast. On leg day, it\’s like, my body needs food. You know, I lift some heavy stuff, but on like a cardio day. So today was a cardio day, I taught a class at my gym. And so that\’s a great day for fasting. So I\’ve done as much as a three day fast. Um, I do put one teaspoon of MCT oil in my coffee. And so that will not break a fast according to Jason Fung.
Diva Nagula 12:11
Yeah. And that\’s a good question. So a lot of people are like, well, what if I put some kind of caloric intake during my fasting window? Is that going to break the fast? And yeah, I\’ve read Jason Fung\’s book, it\’s a fantastic book. But MCT oil doesn\’t have any any sugar. Right? So is that the theory as to why that\’s okay to consume during that window of fasting?
Tracee Gluhaich 12:32
Well, so Dr. Fung says that if it\’s 35 calories, or less than you\’re fine. So for instance, if I would have put a whole tablespoon of MCT oil on my coffee, then that would break the fast because it\’s too many calories. But he said up to 35 calories-ish. So I figure okay, a teaspoon of MCT oil at 5am on my way to the gym, another one at seven and another one at nine. So this is like coffee number three; I always do organic coffee. This is actually the bullet proof because I know that when I switch to decaf, my third cup, you want to be careful, because the way they make traditional decaf isn\’t healthy. So I always do the bulletproof decaf, just because he does it in a healthier way. So it won\’t break the fast if it\’s 35 calories of fat. Now protein or carbs will break a fast and MCT oil, the one I get is the C8 so it only has like the you know, gives you actual ketones into your body. So it\’s my pre-workout before I go to the gym.
Diva Nagula 13:35
Gotcha. And so do you advocate the working out in the fasting state?
Tracee Gluhaich 13:42
Absolutely. That way any glucose that happens to remain in your body gets burned out pretty quickly. And I always work out fasted first thing in the morning, and also because of cortisol. So in the morning, your cortisol is higher. And so your body\’s bringing cortisol down during the day, this is at least my understanding, I\’m not a doctor. So we want to let our body\’s cortisol naturally drop down. And so if you work out in the evening, then you\’re boosting that cortisol level up again. And then your your body\’s forcing to get it down faster. And earlier. And then that could be you know, effective to your sleep. Right. So I love sleeping. So I always always work out first thing in the morning.
Diva Nagula 14:29
Are you practicing a daily habit of 16/8 in terms of intermittent fasting or what\’s your method?
Tracee Gluhaich 14:36
So it just depends on I really want myself and my clients to be mindful and not eat according to the clock. So sometimes I don\’t eat until like three o\’clock, you know, the afternoon or even dinner time. So I do OMAD a lot like if I have a special event on a weekend because then that way I\’m fat burning fat burning, fat burning, and then I\’m refueling at whatever the event is. So I\’ll just have like one meal.
Diva Nagula 15:01
Could you explain what OMAD is? T
Tracee Gluhaich 15:04
OMAD is one meal a day. And so basically you\’re eating in a one hour window ish, you know. So I always say it\’s good to if you have like a wedding or a special event, or when you\’re traveling, it\’s really good to be fast in an airport or on an airplane, because they\’re just going to your only options are garbage. And I also find it really effective when you go somewhere, so you can really enjoy amazing meals, like when I go visit my son in New York. He always has a list of restaurants that we\’re going to go to and I know the food is gonna be fabulous, so I save my portions for that. Plus, I\’m burning fat, body fat during that time. And so it\’s kind of a win win.
Diva Nagula 15:48
Do you have a specific measure of ketosis, of being in ketosis? There\’s so many devices that are out there. Or do you just go by feel?
Tracee Gluhaich 16:01
Well, I have all the devices. If I have a client, I recommend blood testing. Once they are confident. I never did at the beginning of my journey, never did show up on the urine test strips. I don\’t know why. So I started doing the blood testing, and then I also have the breath test. So I\’m sure you\’ve heard of that – ketonics. But I use the Keto Mojo in my blood test.
Diva Nagula 16:26
I haven\’t heard that one, okay.
Tracee Gluhaich 16:28
You\’ve never heard of it?
Diva Nagula 16:29
No, I haven\’t.
Tracee Gluhaich 16:30
Oh, my gosh, Doctor, the strips are only $1 each. So it\’s really cost effective, because most of the keto or the blood keto meters are like, I don\’t know, $2 or $3 for each test strip. Keto Mojo is a lot less expensive.
Diva Nagula 16:47
Do you think the strips are a better way of measuring or there\’s a lot of these meters where you just blow into them, and it supposedly gives you a reading of some number in millimeters. And so that kind of gives you a gauge of whether or not you have achieved ketosis.
Tracee Gluhaich 17:01
They\’re different. So the blood test, beta hydroxybutyrate, the urine test a different type of ketone, and then the breath test is something else. And I can\’t even pinpoint- I can\’t even tell you which one…like one of them\’s like cetylacetate, and I can\’t remember the the one from the urine. But the thing is, is if your body\’s using ketones, I believe that you\’re going to notice from the breath or from the blood, but I think that the breath is more, what is the word, it\’s not as consistent or read as the blood. And I find that different times of the day, the blood is going to register higher, like for some reason in the morning, I\’m lower. But if I test right before dinner, I tend to be higher. And plus, you can taste it in your mouth. I can taste a metallic taste.
Diva Nagula 17:51
Yeah, yeah. And I think you\’re actually I think the blood is a better way – it\’s a more accurate way of detecting ketones. And so people who are diabetic and use those glucose meters, there\’s strips that actually can be utilized in the same meter that can detect ketones.
Tracee Gluhaich 18:05
And the Keto Mojo one has this really cool app. So you can do a ketone test and then a glucose test. And then the app like will upload your results you can look at, you know, over time.
Diva Nagula 18:17
Oh, that\’s really cool. Okay.
Tracee Gluhaich 18:18
Yeah, it syncs up with your meter. So it\’s really cool.
Diva Nagula 18:21
And then to achieve ketosis, I can\’t recall the actual numbers, but I it\’s like point 5 milli mollers is the beginning. And then I guess you want to go up to five millimolars. And that\’s kind of a good ketogenic state, if I\’m not mistaken?
Tracee Gluhaich 18:35
Well, the sweet spot would be like 0.5 to 3.5. But to me, unless you are sick, and you need a therapeutic level of ketones, then we\’re not chasing ketones, we\’re chasing results. And I stole that from one of my like, I love following certain people, because they just inspire me. And so that was Luis Velasenour, and he says, \”we\’re not chasing ketones or chasing results.\” So as long as you\’re in ketosis, the higher level is not going to really make a huge bit of difference unless you need it for, you know, the mental clarity. But like right now, I\’m on a three day fast.
Diva Nagula 19:10
Tracee Gluhaich 19:11
Oh my gosh, it\’s just what I like to do it for is to test my grit.
Diva Nagula 19:16
Yes. To see how strong the cravings are, and see if you can overcome it. Yes.
Tracee Gluhaich 19:24
I think it\’s good to do it like you know, quarterly. I\’ve never done longer than three days, and I won\’t this time either. But my goal is to someday do a five day.
Diva Nagula 19:35
When you do three days, obviously you\’re using a lot of you\’re losing initially a lot of water weight, but there is some fat that you\’re losing too, so it do you, on your specific frame, do you notice that? During the three day fast, what percentage of the weight that you lose every three days is water weight or actual fat? I\’m just interested in what you think.
Tracee Gluhaich 19:55
Well, when you\’re in ketosis already, you\’re dumping water because there\’s no glucose to hold on to ketones, so I drink about a gallon a day of water. And I do supplement with my electrolytes. So I do a teaspoon of salt every morning, like really good high quality salt in my water. So, and I noticed a cognitive difference when I go to the gym. So if I don\’t have that salt, I feel a little dizzy because I work out hard. So I always have my salt in the morning, but I do a gallon a day of water like today, it\’s almost 10 o\’clock, and I\’ve already had probably, almost two liters of water. So and because I\’m dumping, you\’re dumping the water already, I don\’t believe you lose a ton of water on that fast if you\’re already in ketosis. Now, if you are a traditional eater, and you do a fast, yeah, you\’re gonna dump water because you\’re going to not have the glucose that\’s holding on to the water after you know, your first 24 hours more than likely. So that will be different than if you\’re already in ketosis.
Diva Nagula 20:57
Right? And I guess your body\’s not keto adapted if you\’re doing this for the first time. So a lot of water dumping is what you\’ll see the beginning. Now, I guess what you were talking about the dizziness – would that be a symptom of the keto flu that people report?
Tracee Gluhaich 21:15
Well, I\’m way past that, you know, but at the beginning stages, yeah, but I also know that you just need electrolytes. And I don\’t retain water. So that sodium – I\’ll never forget, a long time ago, before I was even keto I was out mountain biking, it was 100 degrees. And we were out on the hill and I started getting dizzy. We were on this really, really long climb. And my husband said, here, take some salt. So I took salt, and I instantly felt better. You know, in our traditional American, they\’re demonized salt, right that back in the, you know, old times, they used to treat it as a commodity. It was like a value, you know, commodity and now it\’s like, oh, salts bad for you.
Diva Nagula 21:59
Right? I know. It\’s very good point. It also just dawned on me about keto, the whole keto diet, you know, a lot of people have this misnomer that it\’s very much similar to the Atkins diet, but, you know, let\’s eat some high protein and high fat and you know, low carb, but that\’s really not so what is the accurate percentage of macros? You know, with carbs, protein and fat to achieve ketosis?
Tracee Gluhaich 22:25
Well, okay, so, depends – for the average Joe, I always say 70% fat, 20% protein, 5% carbs. So when I set up a client on their custom macros, it\’s about 20 grams of net carbs. And then the rest is fat and protein within those ratios.
Diva Nagula 22:47
And then, with that low amount of carbs, I would imagine you have people that are probably going to face constipation. I mean, what do you do to remedy that? Or do you just don\’t have that issue at all with your clients?
Tracee Gluhaich 22:59
Okay, so you\’re talking about fiber and stuff. So carbs, the only carbs I really recommend fibrous vegetables. Your greens and you know, to make it simple for a client, it\’s like, don\’t eat breakfast, big fatty salad for lunch, you know, with all your greens, like all the vegetables, top with protein and full fat dressing. And then for dinner, roasted vegetables with protein. So that is though they\’re getting plenty of vegetables, I mean, I don\’t believe in….so I\’m a healthy keto person. I\’m not big into like fat bombs, and, you know, just overdoing it with things, but it\’s just like eating healthy, and not being afraid of fat. So you want to eat enough fat at each meal so that you\’re not hungry in between and then mindlessly snacking. So I\’m not a big fan of nuts, unless it\’s just a teeny bit on top of your salad or as a garnish instead of as a handful. Right? So the best place to get the carbs is the is the vegetables. And if you\’re eating enough fat, you know, things are going to slide through rather than stop up. I mean, I always say like this, like, if you spill, like say a real Coke on the floor, okay? A real soda, your floor is going to be sticky, right? If you spill some coconut oil on the floor, it\’s going to be slippery. Right? So think about it like that. Babies have a ketogenic diet. Right, and they don\’t have a problem in the bathroom.
Diva Nagula 24:29
That\’s a good point.
Tracee Gluhaich 24:31
You don\’t have any fiber but they are just fine.
Diva Nagula 24:34
That\’s true. What are some examples of healthy fats? A lot of people are like, well, when they pick a fat they think of like, animal fat, right? And so are there besides animal fat? Are there any other like fatty foods that are appropriate for the keto diet?
Tracee Gluhaich 24:54
Some of my favorites are like I said earlier, MCT oil in my coffee. I also like the Red Palm oil, which is like a superfood, coconut oil, olive oil, avocado oil. Those are pretty much my favorites. Oh and grass fed beef and avocado, macadamia nuts. But those are danger for me like macadamia nuts. I could just eat like a half a bag without even realizing it.
Diva Nagula 25:20
I\’m guilty of that. Absolutely. It\’s so tasty. And it\’s just it\’s so caloric dense. And yeah, you\’re absolutely right. You can pack on the pounds if you eat too much.
Tracee Gluhaich 25:28
Yeah, so I don\’t have them in my house, I don\’t. And you know, I am a big proponent of grassfed beef, because you said earlier about the glyphosate. So they have traced the end consumer of traditional cow – like so they ate a hamburger that was from a feedlot cow and they can test that end consumer for glyphosate and trace it back to the corn that the cow ate. So I don\’t do any corn, you know, traditional meat other than the grassfed beef. I have chickens here so we have farm fresh eggs. I always joke around God made eggs, he didn\’t make cartons of egg whites. You know, we messed that one up. Eggs are great. And I\’m not a big fan of seed oil. So no soybean oil, no canola oil. I stay away from all of those inflammatory omega six oils. I love fatty fish. Salmon, sardines. And I do some tuna – love tuna. Seared ahi – oh my gosh, I found this amazing vegan…I don\’t do eggs right now. I\’m doing a food sensitivity gut healing thing. But I found this amazing vegan mayo with avocado, made with avocado oil, and I made a wasabi mayo dipping sauce for the seared ahi.
Diva Nagula 26:46
That sounds amazing. Do you have any suggestions for folks who don\’t have time to prep a keto meal? Are there meal services that you recommend or do you just tell people to suck it up and go get the appropriate ingredients and make food at home?
Tracee Gluhaich 27:04
It\’s not hard. Like you don\’t need a meal service. Why spend the extra money – it\’s super simple. Like I said, skip breakfast have a big fatty salad with avocado. I do some pumpkin seeds on there. You know the raw, sprouted pumpkin seeds. Just a big salad with avocado. I don\’t do cow\’s milk cheese, only sheep or goat cheese. There\’s an enzyme in the cow\’s milk cheese that isn\’t great. And then just roasted vegetables and protein for dinner. And so what I say if they\’re busy, do some batch cooking twice a week, you know. Sunday and Wednesday are great for batch cooking; cook up a bunch of protein, chop up your vegetables, store them all in containers and just have things prepped for yourself. If you\’re too busy to do it, I prefer fresh you know, that day. But batch cooking is great.
Diva Nagula 27:54
Yeah. And then in terms of, say you have a person who is an athlete or a weightlifter… they probably need the calories so obviously the two meals aren\’t probably going to be sufficient for them. But what would you recommend for a person who is an athlete or a weightlifter?
Tracee Gluhaich 28:11
Well, I\’m an athlete and weightlifter. And because the ketogenic diet is muscle sparing, you don\’t need to worry about that – just hit your protein goal. So make sure that you hit your protein goal. Mine is between 100 and 120 grams a day, depending. I\’ve found some clean protein powder that I\’ll make a protein shake with that only has three ingredients. There\’s a couple different brands that I really like that are made with grassfed beef protein and sweetened with stevia.
Diva Nagula 28:41
Could you share those brands? If you don\’t mind? I\’m just curious.
Tracee Gluhaich 28:43
Sure. Equip is one of them. Equip Foods. What is the brand….it\’s called Build or something? But the chocolate has beef protein, cocoa powder, and stevia. And that is it.
Diva Nagula 28:57
Wow, I gotta check this one out, too. That seems fantastic. How many grams of protein in a serving?
Tracee Gluhaich 29:03
I think 20 or 25.
Diva Nagula 29:05
Yeah, that\’s, that\’s wonderful.
Tracee Gluhaich 29:07
Like 100 calories. So it\’s super clean. And then the other one I like is Julian Bakery. Now there\’s has a few more ingredients because they do have probiotics and prebiotics in it. I find that it doesn\’t mix quite as well. We have to blend it up a lot longer. What I do with them is I\’ll either make a shake with them, and have that or I\’ll put some in sheep\’s milk or almond milk yogurt. Kite Hill makes this amazing, unsweetened almond milk yogurt, so I\’ll just throw some protein powder in that and then that\’s like a nice little treat.
Diva Nagula 29:42
Oh, that sounds yummy. And I\’m starving right now since I already had my workout and I did not have anything while I was working out beforehand. So I\’m I\’m ready for my lunch now. So I have a question for you. A thought came to me earlier and I\’m just toying with it. But you seem like you know, you\’re obviously are well educated and very knowledgeable about this and you have clients, I would love to enroll in your program. You know, I\’ve dabbled in keto before and I just I always get it wrong. And it\’s just because I run out of time. I\’m not as diligent as I should be, even though it is easy. But for me, I need accountability. If I have if I\’m held to some sort of accountability, then I\’m obviously I\’m going to be doing this right. You know, what if I wanted to do like a three week challenge, you know, we just kind of like do something where I take measurements of my body fat, and then be on a strict keto diet for I don\’t know, two, three weeks, and maybe we just share, like body metrics on a weekly basis. And maybe we could do this podcast again to talk about the results.
Tracee Gluhaich 30:47
That\’d be fun.
Diva Nagula 30:48
Tracee Gluhaich 30:49
I\’d be really fun. You\’re not in ketosis right now?
Diva Nagula 30:54
I probably am. Because I haven\’t eaten. So yeah, I would imagine my last meal yesterday was at 6pm. So yes I\’m definitely in ketosis. So it\’d be interesting to see if I stick with it and have accountability. And then, that\’s the key is like, on the weekends, it\’s like, oh, well, it\’s the weekend, I\’m just gonna go and indulge, and of course, that throws you off in ketosis.
Tracee Gluhaich 31:17
It does. It totally does. And it takes days to get back in for most people unless you\’re keto- adapted. Because you\’re confusing your metabolism. your metabolism is going wait, am I supposed to be burning carbs? Am I supposed to be burning ketones? Like what\’s happening? But once you\’re keto adapted, then your body is smarter and understands, you know that well, I like this, but I prefer that, and then we\’ll get right back in.
Diva Nagula 31:43
If I\’ve cheated, then I like to get back on track – I\’ll do a 24 hour fast. And that seems to get me back on track and to get me back into ketosis.
Tracee Gluhaich 31:52
Oh, cool.
Diva Nagula 31:53
So I think we\’re running out of time, but I wanted to thank you so much for joining us and for our listeners if they want to reach out and find you, what\’s the best way?
Tracee Gluhaich 32:02
I am all over social media, highenergygirl. My blog is highenergygirl.com. Facebook, High Energy Girl. That is my brand. Easy to find.
Diva Nagula 32:13
Thanks so much, Tracy for being on again. And I\’m jealous of your being in California right now.
Tracee Gluhaich 32:21
Yeah, we pay for that though. We pay for that one.
Diva Nagula 32:26
For sure. Thank you again.
Tracee Gluhaich 32:29
Thank you for having me. It was a pleasure.