Coffee has become increasingly popular over the years. What is it about it that we all like so much? Well, there are many reasons to enjoy coffee such as it’s taste, the temporary alertness caused from the caffeine, and of course the health benefits. There are many found health benefits to drinking coffee such as slowing the progression of some cancers and decreasing your likelihood of other health problems such as gallstones and type 2 diabetes. Try to keep your delicious cups of coffee between 3 and 5 per day, or 400mg of caffeine, to avoid having the unpleasant side effects such as insomnia, restlessness, and anxiety.
Caffeine is found to be beneficial in smaller amounts in improving mood and decreasing depression. It has also been found that coffee drinkers are less likely to commit suicide than non-coffee drinkers.
Coffee can assist with weight loss. It temporarily increases metabolism and suppresses appetite. Black coffee can also be consumed during an intermittent fast without breaking the fast. Just remember not to overdo it.
Some people are more sensitive to the negative side effects of caffeine such as anxiety, jitteriness, restlessness. That is due to their genetic makeup and ability to metabolize caffeine. You know your own body best, find the amount that works for you. A small amount of caffeinated coffee can still provide health benefits. Some health benefits can even be found from drinking decaffeinated coffee, but it is not as effective as caffeinated.
Coffee can be beneficial in moderate amounts for general health. Just keep it simple. Do not include excess sugar and other additives. Putting a bunch of additives in your coffee can up the caloric intake quickly especially if it’s not being measured. The added sugars and fats are likely to take away any good health benefits you may have had from drinking the coffee originally. Simple black or moderately seasoned coffee is the best way to go.
Doctor Mike. (2021, September 22). The ugly truth about coffee\’s effects on your body. YouTube. Retrieved October 9, 2021, from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hmflDZ30ipc.
Harvard T.H. Chan. (2021, July 6). Coffee. The Nutrition Source. Retrieved October 9, 2021, from https://www.hsph.harvard.edu/nutritionsource/food-features/coffee/.
Mackeen, D. (2020, February 13). Is coffee good for you? The New York Times. Retrieved October 9, 2021, from https://www.nytimes.com/2020/02/13/style/self-care/coffee-benefits.html.