How a Simple Molecule Saved My Life

I’ve experienced forms of death many times. My physical body died when I had cancer and
underwent chemotherapy and I was brought to life after I went into remission. I’ve undergone
multiple spiritual deaths known as ego deaths through practice of entheogens.. But this death
was like no other…

For the past six months, my life was slowly deteriorating. I could feel my breath laboring with
every inhale and exhale. My liver was so inflamed, the surrounding tissues were swollen and
guarded. My diaphragm was so tight that I couldn’t access it while breathing. This left me only
able to take shallow breaths keeping me in fight or flight constantly. My vagus nerve, the nerve
that helps regulate our nervous system, was compressed from constant lymphatic drainage and
blockage and further compromised my ability to get out of fight or flight. When it came time for
bed, I couldn’t sleep as my brain was too wired to fall asleep even though I was thoroughly
exhausted. My only relief from stress was exercise and the last few months, I was too wiped out
to even consider it. Any attempts to push myself made me feel alive, but the effects were
fleeting until my body crashed and I was in pain.

I would wake up with so much brain fog that even my morning cup of coffee was starting to lose
its effect on stimulating me. The fog left me in a place where I couldn’t motivate myself to
accomplish any tasks. I had no energy or will to take my dog on his daily 30 minute walk. I
pushed myself because it’s the one thing that he loves to do and I didn’t want to let him down.
I had checked out with friends and I think most everyone gave up calling me or texting me, but
every once in a while I’d get a call or be excited to attend a social engagement. When the time
came to attend, I backed out. I didn’t have the energy to mentally focus or have the clarity to
carry on a conversation. The energy of a crowd was too stimulating for my brain and would
wreck my nervous system. It got to a point where I had to dim the lights in my family room and
turn the television or music on super low because anything beyond that would overtax my
nervous system and put me into a state of fight or flight.

I was starting to lose enjoyment in life. Something had to change but I didn’t know what it was.
My analytical brain would turn on and would think of the worst case scenario and would try to
keep finding ways to avoid it. I would troubleshoot my events for the day. I did this today, was
this the reason why I have pain in my hip that came out of nowhere. Did I sleep on my arm
overnight? Is that why my fingers are numb and tingly today? The scenarios I entertained were
endless and were a result of my brain going into overdrive and not having the ability to relax. My
goto for relaxation was massage but that actually left me more sore and in pain and was no
longer helping me.

These symptoms appeared like depression, but my autoimmune disease was slowly taking
over. The numerous pathogens in my body were overtaking their host. Unfortunately, the more I
attacked the pathogens, the more my system deteriorated—it could not tolerate the healing
crisis that came with it.

It felt like I was experiencing a very slow and progressively painful death. Every cell in my body
was rapidly deteriorating, no longer communicating with the other cells in my body. This is a
classic recipe for disease, but in my case, the disease had turned chronic, and I was almost at a
place of no return.

One night, my nervous system reached its peak, and I cracked. It was 2 o’clock in the morning
when I woke up from a panic attack, dropped to my knees, and wept like I never had before. I
pleaded with the universe for help—and she listened.

Weeks later I was guided to a clinic in Mexico, referred to me by someone who had also
undergone a profound healing journey at this location. I didn’t even research the clinic or the
doctor. I just knew that this was where I needed to go for deep healing. Three weeks later, I can
see and feel the progress. I feel human again, I feel life, I feel joy, but most of all, I have hope!
Here, I am cared for with love, surrounded by staff who genuinely want to help people—not just
clock in and out for a paycheck. There’s no bureaucracy here, no CEOs, no administrators, no
insurance companies to deal with. I chose this place because I could no longer take care of
myself, and it was becoming increasingly difficult to want to live.

This place is a slice of heaven.

I am in therapies all day from 8 AM to 4 PM, receiving intravenous medications along with
high-tech, innovative treatments coupled with ancient healing modalities. These therapies build
my system back up, detox my body, eradicate pathogens, and support my immune system.
Many of these therapies are frowned upon in countries that are immersed into western
medicine. Some of these treatments have been around for hundreds or even thousands of
years, and still remain highly effective. Here, there are no antibiotics, no addictive pain
medications, and very minimal supplements. Food is our medicine. The on-site chefs prepare
meals fresh daily, sourcing from local farms.

Two of the main medications that help eradicate the pathogens in my body are chlorine dioxide
(CDS) and ozone therapy. For the purposes of this post, I’ve chosen to discuss chlorine dioxide.


Understanding Chlorine Dioxide

Chlorine dioxide (ClO₂) is a chemical compound that has been used in industrial, medical, and
water purification applications for decades. It is created through a controlled reaction between
sodium chlorite (NaClO₂) and an acid, most commonly hydrochloric acid (HCl) or citric acid. This
reaction generates chlorine dioxide gas, which is then dissolved in water to create CDS
(Chlorine Dioxide Solution) or taken in drop form as MMS (Miracle Mineral Solution).
One of the most remarkable aspects of chlorine dioxide is how incredibly affordable it is for
personal use. A small bottle of sodium chlorite solution, which serves as the base for
CDS/MMS, can cost as little as $20-$30 and last for months, or even years, depending on
dosage and application. Unlike pharmaceuticals that require continuous refills, CDS can be
made and maintained at home for pennies per dose, making it one of the most cost-effective
detoxification and antimicrobial solutions available.

Methods of Derivation:

 CDS (Chlorine Dioxide Solution):

Made by bubbling chlorine dioxide gas into distilled water to create a pure
solution of 3000 ppm (parts per million).
CDS is already activated, meaning it does not need further acidification before
It has a neutral taste and is less likely to cause nausea compared to MMS.

MMS (Miracle Mineral Solution):

Made by mixing sodium chlorite solution with an acid (usually citric acid or HCl).
This activates the solution, releasing chlorine dioxide gas for consumption.
The process produces a strong-tasting liquid that requires dilution.

 Industrial and Water Purification Use:

Municipal water systems worldwide use chlorine dioxide to disinfect drinking
water and kill pathogens.
Used in the food industry to sanitize meats, seafood, and vegetables.
Utilized in hospitals and medical settings for sterilizing equipment and surfaces.

Despite its long history of safe use in sanitation, water purification, and medical sterilization,
chlorine dioxide remains controversial for its medicinal applications. However, thousands of
testimonials and independent studies suggest its potential as a low-cost, powerful detoxifier.

The Red Cross & Chlorine Dioxide: The Malaria Controversy

One of the most compelling cases for CDS is its effectiveness against malaria. According to the
World Health Organization (WHO), malaria affects over 247 million people annually, leading to
approximately 619,000 deaths each year, with the majority of fatalities occurring in sub-Saharan
Africa, particularly among children under five.

In 2012, a group affiliated with the Red Cross conducted a field study in Uganda where CDS
was administered to malaria patients. The results were astonishing: every single patient
recovered within 24-48 hours. Video evidence of this study exists, showing the remarkable
speed at which malaria symptoms disappeared after consuming CDS.

However, shortly after the study, the Red Cross distanced itself from the findings, claiming they
never approved or conducted any such research. The video evidence was suppressed, and
mainstream medical organizations ignored the results. This raises critical questions:

If CDS was proven to cure malaria in a documented field test, why was it not adopted for
global malaria treatment?
Why did the Red Cross deny involvement despite video proof?
Who benefits from keeping low-cost, effective treatments like CDS out of public hands?
This case highlights a pattern seen with many alternative health treatments—when something
works too well and is too inexpensive, it often faces suppression from powerful industries that
profit from long-term disease management.


Practical Uses of CDS

Chlorine Dioxide Solution (CDS) is widely used for a variety of applications beyond medical
detoxification. Some of its daily practical uses include:

Water Purification: Used in municipal water systems, survival kits, and household
filtration to eliminate bacteria, viruses, and parasites from drinking water.
Air & Surface Disinfection: Used in hospitals, schools, and homes to sterilize surfaces,
kill mold, and eliminate airborne pathogens.
Food Cleaning: Effectively removes pesticides, bacteria, and mold from fruits,
vegetables, and meats.
Travel Protection: Many users take 10-15 ml in 1 liter of water before flights to help
guard against airborne pathogens.
Post-Workout Recovery: CDS helps mobilize and remove lactic acid, reducing soreness
and accelerating muscle recovery.
Oral Hygiene: Used as a mouthwash to fight gum disease, neutralize bad breath, and
eliminate harmful bacteria in the mouth.
Pet Care: Some pet owners add diluted CDS to their pet’s water to help combat
infections, parasites, and skin conditions.
Plant & Garden Use: Used as an antifungal treatment for plants, hydroponics, and soil
health to eliminate mold and pathogens.

CDS continues to gain traction for its versatility, with many integrating it into daily wellness
routines for both personal and environmental health.


Chlorine dioxide has the potential to treat a wide range of conditions, both acute and chronic,
due to its powerful antimicrobial and detoxifying properties. In acute cases, it has been shown to
eliminate pathogens quickly, making it effective for conditions such as malaria, food poisoning,
colds, flu, pneumonia, and other respiratory infections. It has also been used topically to treat
wounds, burns, and fungal or bacterial skin infections.

For chronic conditions, CDS has been explored as a therapy for autoimmune diseases by
addressing underlying microbial imbalances that may trigger immune dysfunction. It has also
been used in cases of Lyme disease and its co-infections, aiding in pathogen eradication and
immune system support. Additionally, many have utilized CDS for parasite infections, heavy
metal detoxification, often in combination with binders, to help remove harmful substances like
mercury and aluminum from the body. Some individuals report success in using CDS to treat gut
disorders such as SIBO, Crohn’s disease, and general dysbiosis, as well as neurodegenerative
diseases like Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s, where inflammation and toxicity play a role in
disease progression. The versatility of CDS makes it a promising solution for many, providing a
natural and cost-effective alternative to traditional treatments.

For decades, individuals like Jim Humble and Andreas Kalcker have worked tirelessly to bring
the healing potential of chlorine dioxide to the mainstream. Jim Humble, a former aerospace
engineer and humanitarian, first discovered MMS’s effects when he successfully treated malaria
patients in the early 2000s. His books and teachings have inspired thousands to explore
CDS/MMS as an alternative health solution, despite relentless suppression from regulatory
agencies and mainstream media.

Andreas Kalcker, a biophysicist, has further advanced the research on CDS, developing precise
protocols for its safe and effective use. His books, including Forbidden Health, have shed light
on how CDS can be utilized for a range of diseases, from infections to chronic illnesses. He has
faced censorship and legal challenges, yet continues to share his knowledge through
workshops, research, and scientific discussions.

Their efforts have laid the groundwork for a movement that is growing worldwide, despite
resistance from pharmaceutical and governmental organizations. Their work has shown that this
simple, affordable molecule could have a profound impact on global health.

I am deeply inspired by their dedication and feel called to contribute to this mission. By sharing
my experience, educating others, and advocating for the responsible use of CDS, I aim to help
bring this knowledge to more people who may benefit from it. Whether through education,
community outreach, or direct advocacy, I want to support the ongoing efforts to make CDS
more widely accepted and understood.

This is more than just about personal healing—this is about giving people back their health, their
autonomy, and their hope. My journey has been one of suffering, searching, and ultimately
finding relief through a simple, powerful molecule. I know firsthand what it’s like to be at the
edge of despair, feeling like every door has closed. But I also know that there is hope, and I
want to be a bridge for those seeking answers.

Imagine a world where people don’t have to suffer unnecessarily, where they have access to a
safe, affordable solution that can transform lives. This is the future I envision, and it’s a future
worth fighting for.

If you are curious about CDS, I encourage you to do your own research, ask questions, and
explore with an open mind. And if you are someone who has experienced the benefits of CDS, I
urge you to share your story, so that together, we can create a ripple effect that reaches those
who need it most.

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