
Dates are a nice refined sugar alternative to seek out over the holidays. Dates can be used in many baking recipes as a more healthful sugar alternative. They can also be used as a natural sweetener for smoothies and topper for salads. Dates can be purchased fresh or dried. Dates have a longer shelf life …

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Health Benefits of Natto

Natto is made of fermented soybeans. It is a high protein and fiber food that contains probiotics. Natto is also high in calcium, potassium, vitamin C, and iron.  Natto has a strong scent and flavor. It has a stringy and slimy type texture. Natto is best to consume mixed with rice or noodles. Incorporating natto …

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Holiday Blues

The holiday blues can really put a damper on a seemingly happy time of year. Some people have trouble because they are unable to see their family, while others struggle from the stress of entertaining and having unrealistic expectations for the events to come.  Weather can play a large factor in the holiday blues due …

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Health Benefits of Pumpkin

Pumpkin is a healthful dish to have during the holidays. Pumpkin is rich in vitamin A,C, potassium and beta carotene. This can help lower blood pressure and reduce inflammation. Pumpkin can also boost your immune system. We certainly could use that during the holiday season. Pumpkin is high in fiber which can aid in healthy …

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Benefits of Seaweed

Seaweed has become more popular recently due to its wonderful health benefits. You may be used to hearing about seaweed for skin care or sushi, but it is not limited to just those two uses. Make Seaweed a part of your everyday diet. Seaweed is packed full of iodine which aids thyroid function. It also …

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Benefits of Coffee

Coffee has become increasingly popular over the years. What is it about it that we all like so much? Well, there are many reasons to enjoy coffee such as it’s taste, the temporary alertness caused from the caffeine, and of course the health benefits. There are many found health benefits to drinking coffee such as …

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Breast Cancer Awareness

October is the National Breast Cancer Awareness month. Breast cancer is the most common invasive cancer in women and the second leading cause of cancer death in women after lung cancer. What does Cancer mean? Cancer is a broad term for a class of diseases characterized by abnormal cells that grow and invade  healthy cells in …

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